Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Woodlands makes Forbes
Fifty-eight percent of residents in The Woodlandz were born in a differen t stateor abroad, according to the 2000 Twenty-six percent of residentds moved into the area within five At No. 1 was Alpharetta, Ga., outside of where more than 70 percent of residentes were born somewhere other than More than a third of the residents in 2000 had come from another state or abroadsince 1995, according to Forbes . Sugar Land just misse d makingthe list, coming in at No. 30. The magazine ranked towns knownas “Relovilles” young, mid- and upscale suburbss near company plants and office parks outsidse major cities.
Forbes used Census data to locate the which boast populations of morethan 25,000. Factorz included the number of people in each town who were born out of stateror abroad, who had moved into town from a considerabld distance, moved within one to five years and moved for a job. The Top 25 Relovilled have twicethe incomes, twice the home valuee and home sizes, twice the college degrees, twicee as many youth and half as many elderly, twicde the divorce rates and twice the number of residents who vote Republican, according to the magazine’s

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