Thursday, October 14, 2010

Persons to leave Massey Communications - Austin Business Journal:
His last day with Massey will be no lateer thanJuly 24. Bud Brewer, formerlyg president and CEO ofthe agency, will take place as vice chairman, overseeing the agency' s public relations, business development and sociakl media services. Brewer has been with the agency and itsparentr company, , since 1986. Lynne Frederick was promoted from vice presiden t and director of marketing for Massey Services to president and CEO of Massey Frederick has been with Massey Services forsix years. Her priord marketing and advertising experience includes work with General Electric and FordConsumer Services.
Andre Massey-Farrell was promoted from vice president of operations at Masseu Communications to executive vice president and chiefoperatinyg officer. She has been with the agency for 12 years and will lead its advertisinhservices division, in addition to her responsibilitiesd with agency operations and Yelloaw Page Directory advertising. “Thesr changes will better position our agency to take advantags of the opportunities that we anticipate over the next few saidHarvey Massey, chairman of the in a prepared He said the agency's goal its to sharpejn its focus and provide more targeted services.
Personws said he would open a new strategicpublidc relations, media relations and networking consulting firm called Todd Person Communications in downtown Orlando in earlty August. “I'm especially grateful to Harvey Masseyh and to Bud Brewer for theirt friendship andwise counsel," Persons said. Masseh Communications is a full-service advertising, strategic marketing and publicrelation agency. The agency and its parenr company, Massey Services, are base in Orlando.

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