Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monsanto opens $6M water utilization center - Business First of Columbus:

The $6 million centere was designed for studying cropping systems comprisefdof genetics, agronomic practices and biotecy traits including water-use efficiency technologies such as drought-toleranty cropping systems. The center will help Monsanto advance research to help improve productivity in the WesternGreat Plains. More than 80 croppinf and irrigation demonstrations are featured atthe 155-acre farm and learning center. The center will be hardwired to eventuallty conduct virtual tours of robotics and seed analyticds facilities in remote locations suchas Monsanto’zs breeding facility in Ankeny, Iowa, or the company’ws Chesterfield, Mo., research facility.
Gothenburg Learninbg Center Lead Chandler Mazour said Monsanto selected the site becaused of its location in the transitioj zone from dryland acres to irrigatefd acres on the western High Plains and that Monsanto needw that diversity to determine how to use future technologies in adding valueto crops. Creve Mo.-based Monsanto Co. (NYSE: led by Chairman, Presidenf and CEO Hugh Grant, develops insect- and herbicide-resistant crops and other agriculturalp products. It is one of the largest employersin St. Louid with 4,000 local employees.

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