Monday, November 1, 2010

Hewlett-Packard touts green products - San Francisco Business Times:
Among other things, Palo Alto-based HP (NYSE: HPQ) will offerf new printing tools forlarge organizations, includintg software, hardware and services, to help customers save money through lower paper and energy usage. HP said that analysis of some customers’ imaginhg and printing operations revealed energy savings of betweenn 30 percent and 80 percent and reductions in papefr consumption in the millionsof pages. Two of HP’s newesft servers, the HP ProLiant DL360 and DL380, released in meet the new Energy Star for ComputedrServers 1.0 specifications that went into effect May 15. HP shippedd 2.74 million servers in 2008.
And the company released a new desktop widget that tracks the energy savingws associated with turning off idle personak computers when notin use. HP has set a new goal to save onebilliojn kilowatt-hours of electricity by 2011 through a variety of product design strategiesz — enough energy for a town of 90,000 people for a year.

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