Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sierra College program gets $1M endowment - San Francisco Business Times:
The college’s program, also known as OLLI, receivecd the $1 million endowment from the BernardOshere Foundation, which is the organization that has provided initial funding to OLLI programxs at 122 colleges and universities nationwide. Sierraw College is the only community colleges in California and one of only threwe community colleges in the nationj to receivethe $1 million The Rocklin college receivefd the endowment because it has been so successfulk with growing enrollment since launching the programn in spring of 2001. Sierra College has grown the programto 5,580 enrollees last year, from 1,038 in 2001. Sierrqa College is scheduled to formally announcre the endowmentJune 18.
This $1 million endowmentf will provide an ongoing budget that will enable the college to offet lifelong learning programsin perpetuity. The foundation created by San Francisclo philanthropist Bernard Osher gives OLLIprograms $100,000 a year for up to four and then a $1 millioh endowment once they demonstrate potential for success and sustainability. OLLI programds provide classes, lectures and events to older adultss who have a thirstt for knowledgeand community. The classees are designed for adults age 55and over, but the Sierrsa program accepts any adulrt student.
Courses are offered at each of the Sierrq College campuses and at various communituy sites throughout Placer andNevadz counties. Sierra College’s OLLI noncredi t offerings are tuition-free. Additional topics are offered throughjClub OLLI, where annua l membership fees are $35. As the Businessd Journal reported in a feature on localp OLLI programsin 2007, othe OLLI programs can be found at California State Universitty Sacramento and at the UC Davis Much of the increased demanrd for OLLIs and similar lifelong learning programs can be attributed to the growin g ranks of older Americans.

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