Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Judge halts alleged business-fee scam - Charlotte Business Journal:
Judge Donald Stephens granted a temporar y restraining orderagainst , and owner Selwyn Monarch. The order prohibits the defendants from sending mailings to and collecting moneyfrom N.C. N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper and Secretarhy of State Elaine Marshall filed a complaint against the accusing them of running a scam to get moneyh fromunsuspecting businesses. The complaint alleges Corporate Servicesa sent lettersto N.C.
businesses claiming they had failedr to comply with state laws on takinbg and filing corporate The mailings gave the impression that they were sent by a statwe agency and used a post office box in downtown Raleigbh as theirreturn address, according to the The mailings directed the businesses to pay $125 and provide information on their corporate minutes by a certainj date. “North Carolina businesses are workinhg hard in atough economy, and they don’t need to be bullieed into paying phony fees,” Cooper “Posing as a government agencty and trying to scare money out of business owners is no way to do business.
” The secretaryg of state’s office says it doesn’t send out such

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