Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Aggies form exclusive branding partnership with Adidas - New Mexico Business Weekly:

The two entered into a four-year apparel, footwearr and accessories partnershipin mid-June. The agreementy will begin July 1 and run throughJune 30, 2009. The $500,000p partnership will put the majorityof NMSU'sz Athletics Department under one marketing apparel and the entire sports program under the Adidaws brand by 2006. It also marks the firstg time the university's Athletics Department has signed an exclusivd partnership with a sportsapparelk manufacturer. "This is great for us.
It'sa great financially, and from an exposurr standpoint, it brings all of our departmentas under one umbrella and collectively gives our department more leverage inbargaininb power," says Sean Johnson, New Mexico Statse University's assistant athletics director of medi relations. Johnson says the new partnership will help the Athletics Departmenft brand and market itself for its move into the Westerjn Athletic Conferencethis "To us this is a new We've had great success in the but our two high profile sports have been and now this is all coming togethed for us," Johnson Football and both the men's and women' s basketball players wore apparel last and Johnson says in the past, the university'se sports programs have worked out their own separate New Mexico State University Athletics Director Dr.
McKinle Boston says the new partnershilp will define the Athletics Department asa "qualitg Division 1 program" and also bring lucrative funds to it. "The deal will be worth a littleover $500,000, not including what we feel will be a significant spike in licensing revenue that we thinok will generate funds over the course of each says Boston. Boston says the new partnership elevatezsthe program's image, which he says is "halt the battle" in recruiting. Other notablwe universities that use the Adidasa brand areand . Richard Spanjian, director of team sports for Adidas, says Adidas was happy to partnerf with theAggie brand.
"We thinl that this is a relationship that is going to be not only for the but will allow us to join with what we believe isan up-and-coming athletics programn here at NMSU," says Spanjian. The appare l partnership is just one of many initiativesthe university's new Michael V. Martin, has taken in an effort to elevatethe program's image and statuds since he arrived at the school on July 1, 2004.
Alongv with spending a lot of moneyh onfacilities renovations, like the completion of its $6 milliomn Stan Fulton Athletics Center last year, Martin has committed resources to the university's athletics promoted its associate athletics Brian Faison, to full-time athletice fundraiser, and begun to shake up the budgetinv process. He hopes to increase the athletidc budget from itscurrent $9.2 millioh which funds six men's and nine women's sport s teams, to about $18 million.

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