Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tedco awards $600K to tech firms - Austin Business Journal:
The money was granted in collaboratioh withthe U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and the throughthe Ft. Detrick Technology Transfer Initiative. The purpose of the technology transfer prograjm is to raise awareness of new and developing technologies and fundint them to transition as viable projectsfor follow-oj funding in the market Each company that received funding was awarded approximately $50,000 between Marcbh 2008 and May 2009, making up the initiative’s second round of financial awards since its $750,00p program extension. The fundws for the program’s second phasee were secured by Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., and Rep. Roscod G. Bartlett, R-Md.
“The [Ft. Detrick Technology Transferr Initiative] program is enabling area businesses to harnesd the technologies being developed at Fort Detrick and appl y them to thecommerciakl sector,” said Mikulski. “This will lead to new productzs that have the power to created jobs andsave lives.” Mikulski announcecd the first phase of the tech transfer progra m in March 2005 when 11 companies received funding. in The company is developing a health care technologu calledmiTag system, which is a scalable wirelesds sensor solution for improving patient flow. in The company is developingy a technology called the GeNova Screento isolate, and produce antibody-liks molecules.
in Rockville: The company is developinh an on-demand biotech products includinhg a combination vaccine against plagusand anthrax. BioAssay Works LLC in Ijamsville: The company is developinv a lateral-flow visual diagnostic test to detect and differentiate singlre sample multiplepathogenic poxviruses, including variola, and monkeypox. in Catonsville: The company is safety-testinhg a medical product called ClotFoam, which is a non-compressible, intracavitart hemostatic agent. CynerGene IDMP in Frederick: The company is validating and implementing a supplemental diagnosisof HIV, and Dengue using its Infectiouds Disease Multiplex Panel approach, which could allo for creation of biosensors.
LLC in Baltimore: The company is developinf required components and systek framework to enable conversational interfaces fortelemedicine tools. Such toolsz would allow professional medics touse voice, and other human-- computer interactions to access and document informatiobn in electronic medical records. in Rockville: The company is developing technologyh to preserve mammalian cellzs in dried format that can easilybe re-hydrated for a variety of uses. LLC in The company is evaluating the effecg of Imagilin patented probiotics as a food supplementt to enhance the immune responsiveness of guinea pigs upon immunizatioh or challenge withvirulent pathogens.
The evaluation will suggesr the ability of Imagilin patented probiotics to enhance the immunizatiohn ofa vaccine. in The company is developinyg micropatterned substrates for viralinfectivity assays. Juxtopiaw in Baltimore: The company is customizing its Wearable Assistance and SituationalAwareness (WASA) goggles and service to allow U.S. Army combat medicz to access and document informatiomn to electrical medical recordsvia hands-frewe voice-requests and voice-responses. in Baltimore: The compang is developing cell therapies to treatg brain and spinalcord injuries.

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