Wednesday, September 14, 2011

DMA announces new officers, trustees - Dallas Business Journal:
Rose served as president of the museum from 1994to 1998. She is replacin Walter B. Elcock, executive vice president of , who is steppinh down from the museum position to focue on hisbusiness demands. Elcock will continu to serve on the board as aformee chairman. Rose already is recognized as a leaderd who has supported and guidethe museum’s accomplishments in the last two decades. She was a membee of the leadership team that drovethe museum’s last two endowmentr campaigns, the museum She joined the board 21 yearsa ago. Other newly elected officers include vice presidentzs Mary McDermott Cook andCindy Rachofsky, secretary Linda Kao and treasuretr Victor D. Almeida.
The boarsd says the following 19 peoplew were nominated and elected toserve three-year trustee terms: Christopher Daniel D. Boeckman, Eduard M. Brittingham, Yolanda Bruce Brooks, Clint D. Carlson, Petee J. Denker, Claire Dewar, Melissa Foster Fetter, Jeremty L. Halbreich, Bryant M. Hanley Jr., Kenneth A. Hersh, Wei Wei Venu Menon, Thomas Morgan, Margot B. Perot, Richardd R. Pollock, Daniel Routman, Ronald G. Steinhart and Derek M. Wilson.

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