Tuesday, January 24, 2012

State manufacturers offered access to two lean-transformation programs - Business First of Louisville:

The first program, Kentuckyt Compete, is designed to transform a singlse business throughan on-site, hands-om training sequence. It includes a complete operations assessmentg to help identify possibl improvements and create a performance targets andcost savings. The secondf program, the Community Action Partnership, is designedc for smaller companies. Up to six firmd can participate atone time. The program includes weeklong events held at one of theparticipating company’sd work sites. The process is intended to builxd a strong community network for theparticipatinb companies.
“First-year savings will pay for the programj manytimes over,” said Jim LeMaster, KAM presidentg and CEO, in a news “In addition, results are guaranteed (by the and a budget-neutral approach is availablde to defer payment for the program until the savingsx are realized.” More informationh about the program is available online at www.theleanway.com.

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